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My approach to nutrition is one of balance; I'm not one for extreme or fad diets and generally eat what and when I want. My nutritional knowledge has allowed me to do this, as it means that I can make informed choices. This was really a revelation for me, as it is a far cry from my teenage years and early twenties when I struggled with my weight and had a whole host of health problems including severe IBS, hormonal imbalance, recurrent tonsillitis and UTIs. I love being a nutritional therapist and sharing this knowledge, showing people good healthy nutrition is more about what you put in than what you take out. My diet is predominantly plant-based, but I do eat some fish and meat. I avoid cow’s dairy where I can, but still have sheep, goat and buffalo as these are easier to digest. I generally have a low gluten diet too. I am genetically a poor metaboliser of sugars, over-absorber of fats and have poor appetite regulation (these are known as the obesity genes), so it's important for me have lots of good quality proteins. I batch cook/prepare lots of things at the weekend for the week ahead or choose recipes that can be quickly thrown together.
My approach to nutrition is one of balance; I'm not one for extreme or fad diets and generally eat what and when I want. My nutritional knowledge has allowed me to do this, as it means that I can make informed choices. This was really a revelation for me, as it is a far cry from my teenage years and early twenties when I struggled with my weight and had a whole host of health problems including severe IBS, hormonal imbalance, recurrent tonsillitis and UTIs. I love being a nutritional therapist and sharing this knowledge, showing people good healthy nutrition is more about what you put in than what you take out.
My diet is predominantly plant-based, but I do eat some fish and meat. I avoid cow’s dairy where I can, but still have sheep, goat and buffalo as these are easier to digest. I generally have a low gluten diet too. I am genetically a poor metaboliser of sugars, over-absorber of fats and have poor appetite regulation (these are known as the obesity genes), so it's important for me have lots of good quality proteins. I batch cook/prepare lots of things at the weekend for the week ahead or choose recipes that can be quickly thrown together.